Reig Jofre informs on the end of the commitments between the Company and Naturex SA
4 July 2017
Reig Jofre informs that:
- On June 30, 2017, the French company Naturex, S.A. cancelled 8.5 million euros debt in favor of Reig Jofre related to the deferred payment for the acquisition of industrial assets carried out in 2013, as reported by the Company at that time (then Natraceutical, S.A.).
- Pending the closing of the consolidated financial statements as of June 30, following the cancellation of this account receivable Reig Jofre’s net financial debt is estimated to be set at around 1.2 times 2016 EBITDA at the end of the first half of the year.
- Reig Jofre plans to reinvest this cash mostly in growth projects.