Reig Jofre informs about its scrip dividend

Reig Jofre informs that:

  • The Shareholders’ Meeting of June 8, 2017, approved a dividend distribution amounting to maximum 2.96 million euros, with the option to shareholders of receiving the dividend in cash or in shares, through a bonus-shares capital increase.
  • Following the end of the trading period of the free allotment rights on Friday, June 30, 2017, 1.7% of the share capital requested the sale of rights to the Company, which will imply a distribution of cash dividend by the Company for a total amount of 49,943 euros. The settlement of the dividend shall be carried out on July 4, 2017.
  • 98.3% of Reig Jofre’s share capital opted to receive new shares in payment of the flexible dividend, which will involve the issuance of around 932,000 new shares (the exact figure will be provided by Iberclear -the Spanish Central Securities Depository- to the Company in the next days). After the appropriate administrative procedures, it is estimated that the new shares will be admitted to trading in the first few days of August.