Resolutions on 2019 shareholders’ meeting
25 April 2019
All resolutions were adopted by the legal and statutory majorities, being the following:
- The individual and consolidated financial statements and the individual and consolidated management reports, the allocation of result obtained by the individual company during the year (€ 9,033,815.00) to the provision of voluntary reserves and the conduct of business of the board of directors, all of that regarding the year 2018.
- The re-appointment of members of the company’s Board of Directors
- The re-election of «KPMG Auditores, SL» as the auditors of the Company and its consolidated Group for a period of one year
- The Annual Report on the Remuneration of the Directors of the Company corresponding to 2018, with a consultative vote.
- The new long-term loyalty plan for Executives of the Company.